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Physical Health

Physical Health

Cahaba Medical Care Flu Vaccine Clinic Dates:

09/23/2024: BES Pre-K, K, 1st

09/24/2024: BES 2nd, 3rd, 4th

09/25/2024: CMS and BCHS

09/26/2024: WBMS and WBHS

09/27/2024:  RES

09/30/2024: WBES

10/09/2024:  Woodstock Elementary



According to the State Department of Education, over-the-counter "as needed" medication should be kept for 2 weeks only. If your child requires over-the-counter medications periodically that you would like to keep at school for the entire school year, please print out the "over the counter medication" form on this page and have your physician sign it for the 2024-2025 school year to be kept at school from the first to last day for students. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Daily scheduled medications should be taken at home UNLESS the doctor prescribes it for a time during school hours specifically. All medications that are taken daily in the morning should be taken at home.


We strive to keep all of our students healthy and thriving. Our main goal is to keep students in school.  If your student feels ill before school, please make arrangements to take them to a physician, if needed. Students should not enter the school and be sent directly to the nurse. Students will be given a nurse excuse only if a nurse sends them home for a fever of 100.0, vomiting or diarrhea. All other absences will be a parent excuse unless the child has an excuse from a physician.